Call for Papers for the workshop: EUROPE IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD - IIER - Athens, September 2023

Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης:

On the following links you will find the call for abstracts for scientific papers and panels (here) and the abstract submission form (here), for the workshop on:

"Europe in an Uncertain World: Openness, Resilience and Vulnerabilities of Small States and Middle Powers",

which is co-organized by our Department with the following institutions:

  • Institute of International Economic Relations (Research Programme on the Theory and Practice of International Relations),
  • Neapolis University of Paphos (Cyprus),
  • Institute of European Studies (University of Malta) and
  • Department of International and European Studies (University of Macedonia)

It is stressed that academic staff, researchers and doctoral candidates who will be accepted to present papers will be exempted from the payment of participation fees.