E-lecture by Dr. Wisam Hazimeh on «The Making of Terror: Jordan as a Case Study»

Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης:

The Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese invites you to the guest lecture on «The Making of Terror: Jordan as a Case Study».

Speaker:Dr. Wisam Hazimeh, Assistant Professor at the University of Jordan.

The event will take place on Friday 13 May 2022, at 17:00 (EEST, GMT+3). 

Meeting link: https://pedis.webex.com/pedis/j.php?MTID=mce2a3da6923549f2f6aa7052a1b79c30

The lecture will be conducted in English, as part of Jean Monnet Network “EU-Middle East Network in Action (EUMENIA)” in which PSIR is a partner.