The Impact of EU Structural Funds on Greece (1981-2019): Successes, Failures, Lessons learned and Comparisons with other EU members

Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης:

International Conference on

“The Impact of EU Structural Funds on Greece (1981-2019):
Successes, Failures, Lessons learned and Comparisons with other EU members”

University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece

30-31 August, 2019

Over the last forty years, the EU Structural Funds (EUSF) have financed thousands of projects in the EU. Brussels has commissioned a large number of ex- ante, ex-itinere and ex-post evaluation studies to assess EUSF direct impact. In contrast to EU evaluation studies whose timespan is usually limited to a 5-year programming period, several academic studies have analyzed the medium-to longer- term impact of EU financial transfers on economic growth. However, in both Community-sponsored and academic evaluations, the impact of the Structural Funds remains a largely economic issue – it’s no wonder then that the terms employed in the relevant studies are efficiency, income, convergence and growth. Thus,important long-term political aspects remain on the sidelines.The International Conference aims at directing cutting-edge multi- disciplinary research with regard to issues of governance and economic efficiency over the management of EUSF. 

[color-box] Conference Programme  [/color-box]

The Conference is organized by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Governance (JMCE Gov) and will be hosted at the University of the Peloponnese in its premises in Corinth (Department of Political Science and International Relations). The JMCE Gov, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, acts as a facilitator of debate, research, knowledge and capacity-building vis-à-vis specific target groups within academia, civil society and civil administration staff. Since 2016 it has successfully organized multiple high-level academic and training activities regarding EU Structural Funds related issues.