2nd EuroPolA Summer School, 8-12 July 2019

Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης:

The 2nd EuroPolA summer school will take place between 8-12 of July 2019 at the Department of Political Science & International Relations, University of the Peloponnese. The school is part of the Jean Monnet Module “Europena-focused policy analytics-EUROPOLA”.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

The school combines (a) Public Policies with an emphasis on EU policies, (b) data analysis techniques, and (c) the use of analytics/big data software for performing data analysis and creating dashboards. That is, the school’s content serves as a rapid, hands-on introduction to each of these topics, focusing on skills development. Those with little or no prior knowledge in one or more of these topics will benefits the most from attending the school as will those seeking opportunities to hone existing skills.

The summer school is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students as well as those working in the public or private sector in a position related to any of these topics.

During the school participants will be able to practice and apply what they learn and will complete a small-scale project  as part of their training. More specifically those completing the school are expected to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  1. To comprehend and interpret policies based on selected EU policy areas,
  2. To use and acquire data from EUROSTAT and other sources,
  3. To implement selected data analysis techniques,
  4. To be able to use state-of-the-art analytics and big data software, and
  5. To be able to create structured reports / dashboards for their analyses.

Participants who complete the school are issued with a certificate.

The school is limited to 35 participants. 

You can apply online at:  https://econtent.pedis.uop.gr/forms/index.php/201907?lang=en
 (Early bird until 30 May, Late bird until 30 June).

See the school’s brochure for more information regarding the school’s program and registration.


  • Administrative queries (Registration, venue, payment)
    Ms Katerina Doundi
    Email: kdoundi@uop.gr
    Tel. +30 2741 040040
  • School coordinator (Regarding the school’s content)
    Nikitas-Spiros Koutsoukis
    Email: nkoutsou@uop.gr