Jean Monnet Module EuroPolA 2018 Summer School completed successfully

Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης:

The EuroPolA–European-focused Policy Analytics Summer School 2018 competed successfully.

This summer school is an annual event of the Jean Monnet Module “European-focused Policy Analytics – EuroPolA.” [More info].

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

After a full week that combined plenty of interdisciplinary instruction and hands-on experience with Eurostat data and state-of-the-art analytic software, this year’s participants received their certificates and a put on their hard-earned a smile to carry on with the rest of their summer plans.

For the success of this years’ event we would like to thank all the contributors, and especially:

  • the Department of Political Science and International Relations for hosting the event
  • Ms Katerina Doundi and all of the departmental administrative staff for welcoming smile and their tireless efforts to things work behind-the-scenes
  • Mr Yiannis Xanthopoulos for his skillful and trouble-free setup of our computer room.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Foundation Kalogeropoulos and its President Ms Maria Christara, for her warm welcome and kind provision of their wonderful space for our “ice breaker” event.

And, of course, we especially thank all the participants for sharing their questions as well as their insights with us; making us more knowledgeable and wiser nonetheless.

We were pleased to host this event and look forward to the next Jean Monnet Module EuroPolA Summer School 2019.

Watch this space!

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