New Jean Monnet Module “EuroPolA”

European-focussed Policy Analytics (EuroPolA) is a new Jean Monnet module at the Dept. of Political Science and International Relations, and it is one active of the departmental and institutional Jean Monnet actions.

EuroPolA is an introductory data analysis course based on a multidisciplinary approach and focusing exclusively on EU policies. The aim is to develop a policy-specific data analysis paradigm that combines knowledge and skills in (a) policy discourse analysis, (b) quantitative data analysis methods, (c) data retrieval and processing skills, and (d) skills in the use of integrated analysis software to performing [a-c].

For proof-of-concept, EuroPolA focuses on the following policy pillars:

  • EU external affairs and foreign relations
  • Regions and local development

EuroPolA is delivered through the following alternative educational activities: :

  • An optional semester course for all students of the University of the Peloponnese, to be offered during the academic years 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19.
  • A summer school, for additional audiences beyond our institution, during the academic years 2017/18 and 2018/19.
  • A bilingual MOOC (English and Greek) for everybody else, to be offered from 2018/19 onwards..

EuroPolA focuses on a structured, hands-on approach.

EuroPolA’s content is shared across all the activities with suitable modifications to suit the medium and duration of instruction. The content is structured as follows:

  1. Policy analysis pillars:
    • EU external affairs and foreign relations (Prof. Fakiolas).
    • Regions and local development (Prof. Papadimitriou)
  2. Data analysis methods (Prof.Katsis)
  3. Data processing and retrieval skills (Prof. Koutsoukis)
  4. Software skills in integrated analytics systems (Prof. Koutsoukis in collaboration with Prof. Katsis)

The module is suitable and relevant for existing and prospective policy analysts, including students and graduates in the Social Sciences as well as those with a strong interest in Policy Analysis and EuroPolA’s instructional content in general.

Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “EuroPolA” is Assoc. Prof. Nikitas-Spiros Koutsoukis. The module is delivered in collaboration with Prof. Ath. Katsis from the Dept. of Social and Education Policy, Assoc. Prof. Pirros Papadimitriou and Assistant Prof. Efstathios Fakiolas from the dept. of Political Science and International Relations.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union