The Department of Political Science and International Relations, in the context of its active research activity, has established a coherent number of research centres and groups, thus enhancing its multifaceted research work.
By the Government Gazette 1812 of 21/8/2015 the folowing Research Centers were established:
Centre of International & European Political Economy & Governance – CIEPEG

The Centre of International & European Political Economy & Governance – CIEPEG is an official research centre of the University of Peloponnese (Department of Political Science and International Relations). It was officially founded in August 2015 (Official Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, No. 1812, 21 August 2015). It is based in Korinthos within the Department of Political Science and International Relations, having full access to all the University resources.
CIEPEG’s staff and collaborators include academics from the University of Peloponnese, from other Greek Universities as well as from non-Greek Universities, researchers and renown experts and professionals.
CIEPEG activities include:
The implementation of research programmes in the fields of politics, political economy, international relations, European studies, governance and other related issues.
The organization of conferences, symposia, lecturers and seminars in all the above mentioned academic fields.
The implementation of Life Long Learning Programmes in the same fields.
The publication of books, contributed volumes, research and policy papers, as well as journals in the fields of CIEPEG’s expertise.
Policy Analysis Centre
The main purpose of the Laboratory "Policy Analysis Centre" is to be a scientific and authoritative body for the production of primary research, study and development of scientific knowledge as well as to cover educational and research needs of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs of the School of Social and Political Sciences of the University of the Peloponnese. The object of the workshop will be research and study in the field of "Policy Analysis" and in particular in the field of design, implementation and evaluation of public and private policies on issues that arise or concern different levels from the local and regional to the European and international level. This is a highly interdisciplinary field of activity development which is at the heart of many research and teaching activities of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs of the School of Social and Political Sciences of the University of the Peloponnese.
By the Government Gazette 4039 of 17/9/2018 the folowing Research Centers was established:
Centre for Greek and International History

The main purpose of the Laboratory under the name "Centre for Greek and International History" is to be a scientific and authoritative body for the production of primary research, study and development of scientific knowledge as well as to cover educational and research needs of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the School of Social and Political Sciences of the University of the Peloponnese. The object of the Laboratory is research, study and education in the field of "Greek and International History" and their interaction, in particular primary historical research, the use of archives, the interdisciplinary relevance of history with other scientific fields and arts (e.g. political science, cinema), the study of history and historiography as a cultural value in different eras and at local, national, European and international level. It is a highly interdisciplinary field of activity development, which is at the heart of many research and teaching activities of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the School of Social and Political Sciences of the University of the Peloponnese.
Centre for Mediterranean, Middle East & Islamic Studies

CEMMIS is a research group mainly composed of young scientists particularly active in analyzing issues related to the Middle East and the world of Islam. Since 2008 this team has created a dynamic website which includes dozens of issues of the English edition “Middle East Bulletin” and a great number of independent timely analyses. In addition to that, of particular importance is the production of multimedia applications such as the interactive map of Middle East resources and a series of video and audio presentations. At the same time, CEMMIS educates undergraduate and graduate students from Greece and abroad through work placement, collaborates with external researchers, and elaborates studies and policy proposals.