Student Advisors

The Department of Political Science and International Relations offers academic advising support. Each student is assigned an Advisor and is encouraged to contact him in order to get aware of questions about course selection and specialization as well as studies planning.

During the academic year 2023-24, the student advisors and the student groups are the following:

Student Surname (Α-Ω) Student Advisor 
From Αγάλλου Μ. to Αντίκας Ε. Vandoros Sotirios
From Αντωνακάκη Γ. to Βογιατζόγλου Δ. Klapsis Antonios
From Βουγιουκλάκη Α. to Γκούμας Σ. Lalagianni Vasiliki
From Γκούρλια Α. to Ζήσης Γ. Manoli Panagiota
From Ζησιμόπουλος Α-Σ. to Καραγιαννοδήμας Π. Papadimitriou Pyrros
From Καραγιαννοπούλου Π-Μ. to Κόκαλης Ν. Papazoglou Emmanouil
From Κοκκίνης Η. to Κυριακίδου Ο. Petropoulos Sotirios
From Κυριακόπουλος Δ. to Λουκάνη Κ. Plymakis Iosif
From Λουκέρης Π. to Μικέλης Β. Rozakis Dimitrios
From Μιχαήλ Τ. to Μπόρα Π. Roussos Sotirios
From Μπόσδας Λ-Ο. to Παναγιωτίδης Χ. Tzifakis Nikolaos
From Παναγιώτου Α-Μ. to Πάτση Γ-Μ Tsiliotis Charalampos
From Πατσιούρα Α. to Σακκάτου Α. Fakiolas Efstathios
From Σαλπέα Κ. to Σταματογιάννη Α-Μ. Huliaras Asterios
From Σταματόπουλος Α. to Τραπεζανλίδου Φ-Μ. Psychogiopoulou Evangelia
From Τριάνταφύλλου Χ-Α. to Φιλιππούσης Π. Galani Mara-Eleftheria
From Φιριπίδη Α. to Ψωμάς Ν. Rontou Maria


Student's Reception Hours

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS Office Hours Lecturers: September Exam Period, 2023-2024

The contact hours are updated in the beginning of each term’s and are valid until its completion (last updated 05/08/2024).

Lecturer Office Hours
Manoli Panagiota Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 1 Tuesday 17/09, 13.00-14.00
Fakiolas Efstathios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 1 Wednesday 04/9, 11.15-11.30 και 12.15-12.30
Friday 27/9 11.15-11.30, 12.15-12.30, 13.15-14.00
Klapsis Antonios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 3 Tuesday 03/9, 12.00-12.30 & 13.30-14.00
Wednesday 18/9, 12.00-12.30 & 13.30-14.00

Office Hours Lecturers: September Exam Period, 2023-2024

In any case, you should first contact via e-mail the faculty staff you want to have a meeting.

Lecturer Office Hours
Fakiolas Efstathios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 1 Wednesday 04/9, 11.15-11.30 και 12.15-12.30
Friday 27/9 11.15-11.30, 12.15-12.30, 13.15-14.00
Huliaras Asterios Building A’ – 1st Floor – President’s Office
(Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 4)
Thursday 12/9, 14.00-15.00
Monday 16/9, 14.00-15.00
Klapsis Antonios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 3 Tuesday 03/9, 12.00-12.30 & 13.30-14.00
Wednesday 18/9, 12.00-12.30 & 13.30-14.00
Lalagianni Vasiliki Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 2 Wednesday 04/9,  11.00-12.00
Tuesday 17/9, 14.30-15.30
Manoli Panagiota Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 1 Tuesday 17/09, 13.00-14.00
Papadimitriou Pyrros Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 7 Tuesday 10/9, 12.00-13.00
Papazoglou Emmanouil Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 8 Friday 13/9, 9.00-10.00 
Tuesday 24/9, 9.00-10.00
Petropoulos Sotirios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 6 Monday 02/09, 9.00-10.00 &12.00-12.30
Wednesday 11/09, 9.00-10.00 & 12.00-12.30
Plimakis Iosif Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 8 ...(to be updated)...
Psychogiopoulou Evangelia Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 2 Monday 16/9, 14.00-15.00
Friday 20/9, 14.00-15.00
Roussos Sotirios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 4 Tuesday 11/9, 13.00-14.00
Rozakis Dimitrios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 2 Wednesday 18/9, 17.00-19.00
Sklias Panteleimonas Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 7 On leave
Tsiliotis Charalampos Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 10 Thursday 12/9, 17.30-18.30
Tzifakis Nikolaos Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 6 Thursday, 05/9, 11.00-12.00
Monday, 23/9, 14.:00-15.00
Vandoros Sotirios Building Β΄ – 2nd Floor – Office 3 Friday 20/9, 14.30-15.30 
Monday 23/9, 14.30-15.30
Galani Maria-Eleftheria Building Α΄ – 1st Floor Wednesday 11/9, 18.30-19.30
Thursday 12/9, 18.30-19.30
Rontou Maria Building Α΄ – 1st Floor Friday 06/9, 16.30-17.30
Sarantidis Antonios Building Α΄ – 1st Floor Tuesday 10/09, 13:00-15:00
Ενημερωμένο: Σεπτεμβρίου