According to a decision of the Assembly of the department, the conditions for conducting a dissertation are the following:

Students must:

  • be enrolled in the 7th semester of studies.
  • have successfully completed 30 modules from the indicative curriculum and must not have any due courses from the first year.
  • have an average score higher than 7.0.
  • submit a summary of a research proposal.

Right to apply for a dissertation

The right to apply for a dissertation have students who are in the seventh semester of their studies in replacement of two modules of the 4th year. If they do not meet the requirements when they are in the 7th semester of study, they have the opportunity to conduct a dissertation when they have attended all required modules but have not passed all of them (9th semester). The same conditions mentioned above apply to these students.

Dissertation language

Dissertations can optionally be conducted in English with the consent of the supervising professor.

Dissertation structure and content

The dissertation must have a length of about 10,000 words, strictly follow the rules of a scientific dissertation (methodology, documentation, bibliography, etc.) and present a degree of originality. The dissertation is graded on a scale of 1-10, like all modules in the curriculum, and receives credits equal to the sum of the credits of the two modules it replaces.

Applications for dissertations

At the beginning of each academic year, an announcement for submitting applications for dissertations is posted on the website of the Department and on the bulletin board of the Student Registry. Students who are interested in conducting a dissertation should apply for the topic of their dissertation in consultation with the supervising professor.

Duration, Deadline for submission and Examination of the dissertation

– The duration of the dissertation is set at 2 semesters from its assignment.


The dissertation is submitted, without requiring additional administrative action or action on the part of the students (e.g., extension request) and the Student Registry or the Departmental Assembly (e.g., extension approval), either

  • May 31 of the academic year of conduction. In this case, the oral support of the dissertation must be completed by the end of the examination period of the spring semester. However, if part of the dissertation is required to be revised, the student must submit the final text upon approval by the supervisor up to two weeks after the end of the June examination period.
  • August 31 of the academic year of conduction.In this case, the oral support of the dissertation must be completed by the end of the re-examination period in September.However, if part of the thesis is required to be revised, the student must submit the final text upon approval by the supervisor up to two weeks after the end of the September examination.

The dissertation is uploaded by the student in e-Class in a separate folder especially created for this purpose.  At the same time, the student must send the dissertation in a pdf file to the Student Registry’s email stating explicitly that s/he has received the consent of the supervising professor.

The examination of the dissertation necessarily includes its oral presentation, which is evaluated and included in its final grade. The oral support takes place before an Examination Committee, consisting of two faculty members of the Department, including the supervisor.

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