Book launch: «European Union Economic Law and Culture. Towards a European Culturally Corrected Market Economy»

Publish date:
Ημερομηνία Εκδήλωσης: 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 Τοποθεσία: Κόρινθος

Book launch

European Union Economic Law and Culture.

Towards a European Culturally Corrected Market Economy

Friday 28 February 2025, 13.00 - 16.00 (CET) / 14.00 - 17.00 (EET),

University of the Peloponnese - Open Universiteit (Nederland)

Link to the event:


The Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese and the Open Universiteit (Nederland) will host the launch of ‘European Union Economic Law and Culture. Towards a European Culturally Corrected Market Economy’, a book edited by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou and Sarah Schoenmaekers and published in 2024 by Edward Elgar Publishing.

The book launch will take place online on 28 February 2025, 13.00-16.00 (CET); 14.00-17.00 (EET). The editors will present the book, followed by a workshop with some of the book’s contributors as speakers.  



13.00 – 13.10 (CET) / 14.00 – 14.10 (EET): 

Opening and welcome

13.10 – 13.25 (CET) / 14.10 – 14.25 (EET): 

Participation in Cultural Heritage Governance in the European Union: Foundations, Challenges and Socio-Economic Significance

Andrzej Jakubowski, Polish Academy of Sciences

13.25  – 13.40 (CET) / 14.25 – 14.40 (EET): 

Making Room for Cultural Policies Within a Market-Oriented Copyright Law: A Function-Based Approach
Caterina Sganga, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

13.40 – 13.55 (CET) / 14.40 – 14.55 (EET): 

Culture v Market Integration: Unity and Diversity in EU Internal Market Law
Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, University of the Peloponnese

13.55 – 14.15 (CET) / 14.55 – 15.15 (EET): 


14.15 – 14.30 (CET) / 15.15 – 15.30 (EET): 

The Key Role of Cultural Diversity in the EU’s Digital Strategy for the Internal Market

Matthias Zußner, University of Graz

14.30 – 14.45 (CET) / 15.30 – 15.45 (EET): 

The Review of the European Union’s Sustainability Reporting System: An Opportunity for Cultural Diversity?
Lilian Richieri Hanania, Université Paris Cité / Attorney and mediator (Paris and São Paulo)

14.45 – 15.00 (CET) / 15.45 – 16.00 (EET): 

Balancing Culture, the Market and Security: A Review of Recent Developments including EU-Security Measures and their Effect on the European Arts and Art Market
Anna M. de Jong and Hildegard E.G.S. Schneider, Maastricht University

15.00 – 15.15 (CET) / 16.00 – 16.15 (EET): 

Language policies and higher education

Sarah Schoenmaekers, Open University of the Netherlands; Maastricht University

15.15 – 15.30 (CET) / 16.15 – 16.30 (EET): 

Law and its Discontents: A Philosophical Constellation of Culture in EU Law
Arthur Willemse, Maastricht University

15.30 – 15.50 (CET) / 16.30 – 16.50 (EET): 


15.50 – 16.00 (CET) / 16.50 – 17.00 (EET): 



The book provides fresh insight into the ways culture interconnects with and is treated by EU economic law and policy. It poses key questions pertaining to the nature, scope and extent of the competence of the EU and its Member States in the field of culture.

Incisive in nature, the book brings together esteemed academics and practitioners to advance understanding of the Union as a cultural market economy and surveys the ways in which the EU has been able to pursue cultural policy aims within the context of its internal market and external trade policies. It shows that there is still ample room for improvement when it comes to balancing economic and cultural concerns in EU law and policy-making, underscoring the need for measures and strategies aimed at ‘cultural correction’. 

For more information about the book and to get an overview of all chapters and contributors, please visit: