Rank: Associate Professor
Expertise: Modern History and International Politics
Curriculum Vitae: Full CV
Short Biographical Note
(Former Associate Professor: Resigned on 09/03/2022 due to transfer to University of Pireus)
Konstantina E. Botsiou graduated with honours from the Department of History-Archaeology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a PhD in History from the University of Tübingen in Germany (magna cum laude).
Between 1999 and 2008 she taught Modern History and International Relations at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian Univeristy of Athens. In parallel, she was a professor and coordinator of the course “Southeast European History and Culture, 19th-20th centuries” of the English graduate program entitled “Southeast European Studies” (2000-2008) as well as Deputy Director of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence at the University of Athens (2006-2008).
Today she is Associate Professor of Modern History and International Politics at the University of the Peloponnese, where she also served as Vice Rector (2012-2015) and Chairwoman of the University Quality Assurance Unit (2013-2015). Today, she is the Director of the Centre for Greek and International History (KEDIS) at the University of the Peloponnese. Since 2016 she has been a Visiting Professor of Political and Diplomatic History at the Hellenic National Defense College, where she has also been awarded the title of Honorary Lecturer (2018).
She has been awarded scholarships and academic distinctions from Greek and international institutions (e.g. Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation-IKY, Erasmus Program, ECTS Network, NATO, Konstantinos G. Karamanlis Foundation, Stratis Andreadis Foundation, Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Bank of Greece). She was a research fellow of the foreign policy think tank LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2013-2015). Moreover, she was a board member of the National Library of Greece (2005-2008) and a member of the Academic Councils of the Diplomatic Academy at the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007-2008), the Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Democracy and Parliamentarism (2008-2010), the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy (2001-2011) and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (2011-2014). She has been a fellow of leadership programs, such as the International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) of the US Department of State. In 2017 she was selected by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to participate as the representative of Greece in the International Observers Program of the German national elections. She is a Member of the Academic Council of the of the bilingual project Online-Compendium of Greek-German Links under the aegis of the German Foreign Ministry. She also participates in the Academic Board of the Peloponnese-based Maniatakion Foundation (Messinia).
From 2011 until 2014 she served in various positions at the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy: as Director of Publications and Research Projects (2001-2009), as General Director (2009-2011), and Vice President (2011-2014); in 2016 she reassumed the position of General Director until 2018. Among other things, she was the chief editor of the quarterly journal Liberal Emphasis (2001-2011) as well as of the series Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy Yearbook and European and International Affairs by Springer Publishing.
Her archival research includes numerous Greek and international archives. Between 2007 and 2009 she was a research fellow at the Hellenic National Audiovisual Archive (EOA) for the documentation of newsreels regarding recent Greek history. From 2015 until 2017 she was the academic project coordinator for the establishment of the historical archive of the Hellenic Police. In 2017 she was appointed Director of the newly established Historical Archives of the Nea Demokratia Party and Foreign Policy Adviser to the Party’s President.
She is an op-ed columnist in various journals and newspapers and acts as academic consultant and analyst in many Greek and international historical documentaries (Hellenic Parliament TV Channel, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation-ERT, ΣΚΑΙ, RFI, ZDF). She has worked with numerous Greek and international research projects as well as with several Greek and international academic associations and journals. Since 2017 she is Director of the publication series “Modern History” at Papadopoulos Publishing.
She speaks English, German, Italian and French. Her publications include 15 books and several edited volumes, articles and chapters in collective volumes.
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