Asteris Huliaras and Sotiris Petropoulos, Fighting Poverty in the Global South: An Introductionn to International Development Aid, Athens: Kallipos, 2023 (in Greek).
Smaro Boura, Orestis Vathis, Asteris Huliaras and Nikolaos Tzifakis, «Do in-kind donations promote cooperation among non-governmental organisations? Lessons from the Greek refugee crisis», Journal of International Development [Wiley], Vol. 34 (1), January 2022, pp. 130-44.
Asteris Huliaras and Sotiris Petropoulos, India and the Others: India's Relations with Europe and the Worldi, Athens: Papazissis, 2021.
Asteris Huliaras and Sophia Kalantzakos, “Rethinking the Collapse of the First East African Community (1977): Lessons for the EU”, In Jean-Marc Trouille, Helen Trouille and Penine Uwimbabazi, eds, The East-African Community: Intraregional Integration and Relations with the EU, London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 15-30.
Αnastasios Valvis, Sotiris Petropoulos, Katerina Kaisari and Asteris Huliaras, «Blessing or Curse ?: The Impact of the Refugee Crisis on Organized Civil Society in Greece», Southeastern Europe [Brill],Vol. 45 (1), 2021, pp. 93-122.
Asteris Huliaras, “Civil Society”, in Kevin Featherstone and Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, eds, The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 351-65.
Nikolaos Tzifakis, Sotiris Petropoulos and Asteris Huliaras, «The Impact of Economic Crises on NGOs: The Case of Greece», Voluntas. International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations [Springer], Vol. 28 (5), 2017, pp. 2176-2199.
Asteris Huliaras and Sotiris Petropoulos, «European Money in Greece: In Search of the Real Impact of EU Structural Funds», The Journal of Common Market Studies [Wiley], Vol. 54 (6), November 2016, pp. 1332-349.
P. Liargovas, S. Petropoulos, N. Tzifakis and A. Huliaras, eds, Βeyond ‘Absorption’: The Impact of EU Structural Funds on Greece, Berlin: KAS, 2016.
Konstantinos Magliveras and Asteris Huliaras, «Understanding Success and Failure in the Quest for Peace: The Pan-African Parliament and the Amani Forum», The Hague Journal of Diplomacy [Brill], Vol. 11 (2-3), 2016, pp.275-91.
Nikolaos Tzifakis and Asteris Huliaras, «The Perils of Outsourcing Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Donor Countries, International NGOs and Private Military and Security Companies», Conflict, Security and Development [Taylor & Francis], Vol. 15 (1), 2015, pp. 51-73.
Jennifer Clarke, Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos and Asteris Huliaras, eds, Austerity and the Third Sector in Greece: Civil Society at the European Frontline, London: Routledge, 2015.