7th Semester
Political Science
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
Χ2300Υ Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Development 5
ΠΔ7010Υ Nations and Nationalism 5
ΠΕ7030Υ Political Communication and Mass Media 5
5060Υ Public Administration and Public Management 5
International Relations
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
Χ100Ε Global Migration and Diasporas 5
ΔΕ7020Υ International Economic Relations 5
ΠΔ7010Υ Nations and Nationalism 5
ΔΕ7040Υ Regional Security in the Middle East 5
ΔΕ7050Υ Russia in Global Politics and Economy 5
Semester 6th / 8th
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
Bachelor Thesis
Ε2400Ε Direct Foreign Investment and Global Governance (NOT AVAILABLE FOR 2024-25) 5
ΕΕ55 Education Policy 5
Ε3200Ε English for Academic Purposes ΙΙ 5
4090Υ EU Cultural Policy (NOT AVAILABLE FOR 2024-25) 5
Ε3500Ε European Social Policy 5
Ε2600Ε French for Political and Social Scientists 5
Ε2700Ε French Language and Interculturalism 5
ΠΔ8050Υ Fundamental Rights 5
Ε400Ε History, Politics, Culture: Comics, Cinema, Enlisted Literature 5
Χ800Ε Internship 5
Χ1400Ε Political Parties and Polls (#) 5
ΠΔ8030Υ The New Economy and the Challenges in the Global Economic System 5
Ε3000Ε The Palestinian Issue: A Comparative Approach (NOT AVAILABLE FOR 2024-25) 5
Ε1500Ε Topics on Greek Foreign Policy 5
Ε1100Ε Topics on International Studies (EUNICE) 5