Diplomatic History, 1815-1991

Course Code
ECTS Credits
1st Semester
Course Category

Klapsis Antonis

Course Description

The course analyzes the major diplomatic events from the end of the Napoleonic Wars to the end of the Cold War. The starting point is the Congress of Vienna, the decisions of which determined the physiognomy of the European balance of power system for a century. Special mention is made of multilateral diplomacy during the 19th century, which took the form of convening international Conferences to resolve major political issues. The foreign policy of the Great Powers, their rivalries and alliances, as well as the emergence of new Powers which were gradually added to the existing ones, are also analyzed. Next, the causes, the development, and results of the First World War are investigated. The interwar international system is outlined and the reasons why it collapsed, resulting in the start of World War II. A separate field of reference is the diplomatic events during the Second World War. Finally, the characteristic features, crises, and recession periods of the Cold War are presented.