English for Academic Purposes I

Course Code
ECTS Credits
Semester 4th / 6th
Course Category

Rontou Maria

Course Description

Through this course students are introduced to the use of English for Academic Purposes: they are taught to recognise and understand the structure and conventions of written and spoken English academic discourse, and develop relevant vocabulary while learning complex syntactic and grammatical structures common to the genre. Students acquire appropriate strategies for approaching, reading/listening to and understanding relatively long, moderately difficult authentic academic texts related to their field of study and produce written and spoken academic discourse of moderate length and difficulty. In addition, emphasis is placed on teaching the principles of text summarization, paragraphing, linguistic features of academic discourse and bibliographic reference. Extensive use is made of the Department’s online platform for vocabulary practice and essay writing, the Internet and multimedia. In addition, students are asked to read at least one book for which supporting material is provided and to make a presentation of their work in groups or individually.