Political Parties and Polls (#)

Course Code
ECTS Credits
Semester 6th / 8th
Course Category

#Temporary Teaching Staff#

Course Description

The aim of the course is to present and highlight the relationship between political parties and political polls, as well as the basic characteristics and stages of the modern research process. Students learn about the history of political parties with a focus on Greece. They also learn the history of political polls in Greece, the relevant legislative framework and understand the characteristics of the methodological tools of political polls, the techniques and stages of conducting research. They reflect on the role of opinion polls in the understanding and analysis of political and social reality. Students will understand the relationship between political opinion polls and the media and how parties and governments use opinion polls for the development of communication, political and electoral strategies. They are also concerned with the particularities and problems of opinion polls related to the rules of conducting and publishing them. Students participate in learning activities (exercises) developing skills and abilities in the use of writing, gathering and prioritising data from various sources (internet).

(#) To be offered in 2024-2025 only in case of recruitment of an Adjunct Lecturer or Academic Fellow